Code of Conduct


Code of



Purpose: The purpose of Smithers Secondary School is to foster a safe, secure and supportive community which encourages individual excellence and mutual respect, and prepares students for life’s challenges.

Acceptable Expectations

Students at SSS are expected to conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful way at school, while going to and from school, and while attending any school function at any location. Such behaviour includes:

  • Respecting oneself, others and the school
  • Helping to make the school a safe, caring, clean and orderly place
  • Reporting, in a timely manner, incidents of bullying, harassment, intimidation, or discrimination
  • Regularly attending and engaging in purposeful learning activities
  • Acting in a manner that brings credit to the school
  • Including and welcoming students of all abilities, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and ethnicity
Unacceptable Conduct

Students at SSS are expected to avoid and help eliminate such adverse conduct as:

– Behaviours that:

  • interfere with the learning of others
  • interfere with an orderly environment
  • create unsafe conditions

– Acts of:

  • bullying, harassment, intimidation, discrimination
  • physical violence
  • cheating and plagiarism
  • truancy/lack of attendance
  • swearing and foul language

– Illegal Acts, such as:

  • possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances
  • possession or use of weapons
  • theft or damage to property
  • recording (pictures, video, audio) any person on SSS property or during school hours, without their consent
Rising Expectations

At Smithers Secondary School all students are expected to be positive role models. As students become older and more mature they are expected to:

  • take increasing responsibility
  • be more self-disciplined
  • promote our school as safe, caring and secure

At Smithers Secondary School, we believe in following a progressive discipline model that is not merely punitive but considers the age and maturity of the student involved. When possible, consequences will focus on restorative practices. Discipline infractions are categorized as MILD, MODERATE or SEVERE and are designed to address each individual situation.

MILD infractions are expected to be handled through standard effective classroom management

MODERATE infractions include ongoing, chronic behaviours and may be referred to administration

SEVERE infractions are considered gross misconduct and will be referred to administration and may result in suspension from school and possibly suspension to the School Board Office. Such infractions include:

  • Racism
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Violence
  • Bullying
  • Drug/Alcohol Use
  • Weapons
  • Vandalism
  • Discrimination

When it becomes necessary, the school will take responsibility to notify other parties of serious breaches of the Code of Conduct. For example:

  • Parents will be notified by staff and/or administration in the event of moderate or severe discipline infractions involving their children
  • The School Board Office may be notified as required by school district policy
  • The RCMP or other agencies may be notified as required by law.

*PLEASE NOTE: Special considerations and/or accommodations may be given to students who are unable to comply with the code of conduct due to having a disability that is either intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional, or behavioral in nature.